Welcome to our general practice; Huisartsenpraktijk Grootstal.
You are welcome to register if you live within the area with postal code: 6531 to 6535 or 6525. To register, you have to fill in the registration form.
We also accept foreign students, with or without a Dutch insurance. If you don’t have a Dutch insurance, you have to pay a consultation fee of €31,86 for a single appointment. You can request a refund from your health insurance.
We work at two locations:
Sint Jacobslaan 345
6533 VD Nijmegen
Opening hours: Monday to friday from 8 am to 5 pm
Kapittelweg 33 (HAN SENECA)
6525 EN Nijmegen
Opening hours: Tuesday from 9 am. to 12 pm
This location is closed during school holidays.
If you want to make an appointment, you can call our receptionist: 024-3551430.
Only in the event of an emergency press 1.
You can contact us by phone from 8 am to 11.30 am, from 12 am to 12.30 pm and from 1.30 pm to 4.30 pm.
When you are connected to Mijngezondheid.net, you can make an appointment online or send an e-consultation. We will answer your e-consultation within 3 days.
Outside office hours, you can contact the Urgent care centre (Huisartsenpost Nijmegen en Boxmeer) in case of urgent medical care: 024-3523579.
For life-threatening situations: call 112.